Tiny Library
Tiny Library is an online platform for the rental of baby products. This Product-as-a-Service (“PaaS”) proposition targets a growing group of young parents who are eco-conscious and are therefore part of the broader transition from product ownership to second-hand use and rental. In addition, Tiny Library focuses on convenience, user-friendliness and financial benefits to the customer.
Tiny Library relieves parents of the upfront financial burden and responsibility to choose the right products for their newborn. A variety of products is offered, including strollers, co-sleepers, and baby carriers. The company has connected strong partners for this, including Joolz, Bugaboo and Greentom. The baby gear is offered via a ‘Product-as-a-Service’ model, where customers only pay for the months in which they actually use the products. In this way, the start-up accelerates the broader transition from ownership to second-hand use and rental of products, thereby fitting neatly into our broader ‘Resources’ investment theme.
Tiny Library’s proposition gives a first-hand experience to second-hand items. Upon return, all products are extensively cleaned and repaired where necessary. This extends the life of the products and lowers the barrier for consumers to choose ‘pre-loved’ products. In combination with tailored delivery logistics and flawless customer service, Tiny Library offers the ultimate solution for parents who are looking for both flexibility and quality.
Ifund invested in Tiny Library in July 2022 together with Shamrock Ventures. With this financing round, Tiny Library further accelerates its growth in marketing, logistics and technology. The customer experience is thus further improved, with which the company aims to become ‘top of mind’ for new parents. In this way, a solid foundation is laid in the Netherlands, before looking abroad for further growth. The ambition is to become a pan-European market leader in baby-products-as-a-service.