
Inter-personal communication increasingly takes place directly through visuals and less through text (books and reports etc.). A picture says more than a thousand words...

Developments in information communication technology have simplified the production of a documentary or explanimation (a short animated explanatory video) and the distribution of these media is no longer an issue.

Ifund supports the development and distribution of documentaries, short films and explanimations of an educational nature about the way in which our current energy, food and water systems as well as the human dimension itself actually work. The Foundation itself develops initiatives in each of these focal areas.

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En waarom eigenlijk maar weinig mensen al deze dingen weten. Het is misschien een te ongemakkelijke waarheid, an too inconvenient truth. Ifund geeft deze DVD regelmatig weg, als doorgeef DVD. Heb je de film van ifund gekregen en wil je reageren? Doe dat dan via deze pagina. De film is ook online te bekijken, via… read more